Art by Natsumi Sokono

White Sky Shadow

The Dread Fighter.

Art by autumnberry

Seventh Blade

The only child of the Mokushujin ninjas Jiyūna VI and Kiyosumi, Jiyūna VII was born in a small town that once bordered Kohga territory. When he was twelve, his father failed a critical assassination mission, and was executed by the head of the tribe. The young boy and his mother were exiled, and took refuge in a village headed by Chief Kumagera. Jiyūna underwent the combat training for young men in the village, the way of the oni. He frequently traveled to the main Fire Tribe village, delivering messages and training with their oni. Only two years later, his mother passed from illness.Jiyūna spent a brief time more in the village, before heading to the capitol at Kumagera's recommendation. He joined the military cadets, receiving basic samurai training. He was placed into a squad with another prospective soldier named Hinata, and the two became friends. After two more years of service preparing for possible conflict with Nohr, he was transferred from general training into a specialized program. Yukimura, the head strategist of Hoshido, instead enlisted him instead in the classified Dread Fighter project. Jiyūna was proclaimed dead in an accident, had most of his records scrubbed, and underwent extensive body modification to make him more resistant to magic and more effective as an assassin.He was tasked with delicate unofficial missions, such as causing accidents to take out ambitious nobles who may cause issues for the royal family, or disposing of Nohrian diplomats seeking allies in Hoshidan territory. Only Yukimura and a select few confidants know of the project at all, with the government at large, Queen, and other members of the royal family having been left in the dark. It's business they don't need to know about, and the risk of secrets being leaked is too great.When war was officially declared with the killing of Queen Mikoto, Jiyūna was deployed as an advance scout, eliminating enemy officers and disrupting supply lines to aid the Hoshidan forces. Depending on which branch Fate has taken, he either rendezvouses with the army, or is called back to Hoshido as the Nohrians approach Fort Jinya and arrives too late to save his master, dying in battle against a large battalion of soldiers as the main force breaches Castle Shirasagi. If he does successfully join up with the Hoshidan army, he presumably survives the war and continues serving under Yukimura.

Path of Solitude

Jiyūna is an orphaned Warrior from Yaksha. His father was one of many ninjas in Kotarō's employ until his untimely death, and his son followed in his footsteps. When Nobunaga united the Eastern half of Ransei, one of his generals took an interest in the boy and had him strengthen his link with several Pokémon to create a warrior of deadly efficiency, and performed many experiments to enhance his body. Despite his success in destabilizing many armies to allow Nobunaga to crush them, the war was ultimately lost. The Uniter called him back, and sent him to the Hisui Region to seek another way to find Arceus.


• Jiyūna has severe anxiety from being repeatedly displaced from his home in his youth and losing his parents at a young age. He has difficulty speaking to people while showing his face, using the mask as a sort of psychological shield.• He was given the nickname Nana by Rinkah when he was younger. なな, Nana, is the colloquial word for Seven, and is also a play on his given name.• He is covered in scars, but few of them were acquired on the field. Most are a result of either operations, or disciplinary action for failing a mission. Being reprimanded by anyone instinctively causes him to flinch.• His right hand and forearm are mechanical, containing various tools for assassination. He gained this in the same accident that caused the burn along on his jaw and neck. An explosive that was intended to knock a carriage off the road unexpectedly went off in his hand, damaging it severely along with other parts of his body caught in the blast. He was reprimanded for his carelessness, but it was actually a fault in the explosive's production.• He learned basic wood carving from his mother, and makes masks in his free time. The fox mask he wears was made by her some years ago, as a birthday present.• His given name is spelled with the characters 璽 (Imperial Seal), 優 (of lithe movements), and 儺 (to drive away evil spirits).
The 七 is simply VII, as he is the seventh in the family to be given the name, similar to Saizo and Kaze's father being Saizo IV.


ClassDread Fighter
Personal SkillAmbush (Doubles chances and effectiveness of abilities that trigger when user initiates combat.)
SkillsLethality, Death Blow, Life and Death, Iron Will, Aggressor


Oni SavageBasic2/2
Master NinjaPromoted1/2
Master of ArmsPromoted2/2
Oni ChieftainPromoted1/2
Dread FighterSpecial4/4


The Pokémon that Jiyūna has formed bonds with. When arriving in Hisui, he began using Pokéballs to contain them for easier, stealthier movement.

Accelgor, the Shell Out Pokémon

Jiyūna's original partner Pokémon, hatched from an egg left by his parents own partners.LINK LEVEL: 68%Accelgor's favored moves are Bug Buzz, Water Shuriken, Energy Ball, and Acrobatics. He has a Hasty Nature, and the ability Unburden.

Growlithe, the Scout Pokémon

LINK LEVEL: 43%Growlithe's favored moves are Fire Fang, Rock Slide, Take Down, and Crunch. She has an Impish Nature, and the ability Rock Head.

Dewott, the Discipline Pokémon

LINK LEVEL: 27%Dewott's favored moves are Razor Shell, Knock Off, Aqua Jet, and Rock Smash. He has a Lonely Nature, and the ability Shell Armor.